It’s a fact that people practice witchcraft. It’s also a fact that people accused of witchcraft get beaten, humiliated and even killed in our 21st century society. As a site with many Wiccan fans and contirbutors, we felt it was only right to draw attention to those who suffer at the hands of people who do not understand this peaceful practice, and instead use it as an undefined label to attach to the weak or troublesome in society.
Right now in Saudi Arabia a man, and woman are on death row charged with different witchcraft offences. In October, five women were paraded naked, beaten and forced to eat human excrement by villagers after being branded as witches in India’s Jharkhand state. It’s often widows who are accused of supernatural powers, or others easily targeted for their wealth, land and property. In parts of Africa, however, it’s children who are branded, beaten and even killed for being ‘witches’.
At Upon Reflection, we don’t want to make sweeping statements in our short news blogs, nor do we want to show preference to one charitable cause over another, but we thought that it was a topic worth drawing attention to – no matter how briefly. If you want to find out more about how you can get involved in helping those accused of being witches, visit the Stepping Stones charity website and find out how you can get involved.